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CDTV is a not-for-profit Canadian TV industry organization, dedicated to providing expert information to you as we make the transition to HDTV in Canada. Our members include Broadcasters, Set Manufacturers, Content Producers, and Satellite and Cable Companies working in unison to provide you with information to help you in the transition to the world of High Definition Television.

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High Definition Television or HDTV changes everything. HDTV is wide-screen, like a movie screen, with picture quality that is five times better than regular TV.
antennas.jpg (9228 bytes) HOW TO GET HDTV? More...
To get HDTV you will need an HD-Ready television to receive HD programming via a satellite or cable company, using one of their special HD set-top-boxes, or an HD set with a built-in tuner and antennae to receive HD over-the-air broadcasts (where available).
clge7.jpg (9240 bytes) WHAT'S AVAILABLE? More...
Some Satellite and Cable Companies have HD packages with up to 27 channels, including specialty services such as Discovery Channel Canada, TSN, TMN in HD. Many popular series and special event programs are now available in HD.
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Latest HDTV News
I Want my HDTV!
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CDTV has prepared this pamphlet for Canadian consumers to answer the most frequently asked questions about HDTV.

© 2005 CDTV The contents of the CDTV website & any publications may not be reproduced or used in whole, or in part, without written permission of the publisher. 
All Rights Reserved. CDTV has made efforts to provide the majority of information on its website in both official languages, please note that some links are only available in English.

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