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Set -top Boxes > Cable STB's > Replies - Add Reply     Sort by newest posting on top
cdtv_admin@cdtv.ca 06/21/2004
12:13 PM
danlongeuay@hotmail.com wrote on 2021/06/19

I live in Windsor, ON and would like to know if the set top boxes for sale in the US could be used here. The one I'm thinking of is the Samsung SIR-TS360 that can decode over the air, cable and satelite(although US DTV) HDTV. It seems like the products over here are segregated and not multi format. I don't really care about the satellite but I would like to be able to decode over the air and cable with one box and not the 800.00 machine from cogeco that doesn't do over the air. any sugestions?

Comment from Admin.

Currently available cable STB’s do not provide over-the-air (OTA) capability and the OTA STB’s, such as the Samsung unit, do not handle cable digital signals. The only dual media unit currently available is the ExpressVu 6000 HDTV STB which has an option to add an OTA reception card.

The recent actions in the US to mandate receivers that are capable of both cable and OTA reception will help resolve your dilemma in the future but, for the interim, it is two STB’s or go with satellite solution, which works pretty well..

10:21 AM
paulpaul226@hotmail.com wrote on 2021/10/05

In order to view Shaw HDTV cable signals do you have to purchase the Shaw HDTV set top box or will a box like the ZENITH HDV420 work?

Comment from Admin.

I believe that the majority of the HDTV channels in Shaw and other cable systems are encoded, though an HD barker channel is likely in the clear. You will thus need the appropriate STB and an HD account with Shaw before you begin to enjoy the full range of HD programming. Enjoy, HDTV is great entertainment.

4:28 PM
ggreen@uwo.ca wrote on 2021/10/18

HI i would like to know if a cable box bought in the states would work in Canada im on Rogers and they use Scientific Atlanta will it work here if bought in the states I’m looking at an Explorer 8000 model

10:10 AM
Comment from Admin

Each SA digital terminal comes with an activation CD which needs to be uploaded on the Cable Company's Digital Server. Without this CD the box cannot work on the Cable system. The CD is with the cable company that originally purchased the box from SA. It should be noted, that no US cable company is selling SA hardware, if there is a box for sale on Ebay from the U.S., chances are this box is owned by a Cable company is listed as lost or stolen equipment. A bad idea, it seems.

5:30 PM
Are there any free over-the-air set top boxes, I.E any that don't require the cable company to know you have it?

7:48 PM
Gpat.53@rogers.com wrote on 2021/03/22

I recently subscribed to Rogers Digital Cable Service and am intending to buy an H.D TV using
Rogers HDPVR. Because of the particular deal I was offered and looking to the future, I opted for a HDPVR instead of the straight PVR. Is there a problem getting a signal if I connect this to a conventional 27" TV temporarily until I get my new H.D. TV. I have no problem getting the signal through using the regular digital terminal. Secondly assuming that I have the HDPVR hooked up to my new HD TV aside from expecting exceptional quality on HD channels and DVDs what kind of reception will I get on the normal digital channels. Would appreciate any help.

Comment from Admin.
Rogers uses the SA-8000 series for PVR applications and I presume this is the unit you will be using. It provides a conventional RF output which can be connected to your existing TV set for the interim. It provides also Y, Pr, Pb analog component output for an HD television and an HDMI output to connect digitally to the HD television, if it is thus equipped.
With regard to your second question, you will probably find that viewing HDTV makes you quite picky about picture quality, or lack thereof. Further, the extremely high performance of the HD television display makes visible many annoying little defects that would pass unnoticed on a regular display. Many people thus experience a little disappointment when first viewing SD digital pictures on the HD screen, but this is quite normal and does not demand any action. I am sure you will find the HD pictures and accompanying sound absolutely superb.

12:31 PM
reades@ns.sympatico.ca wrote on 2021/04/24

I have a real old TV that has a Cable Box connected to it and would like to connect a DVD Player to it. I have been told that I can connect the DVD directly to the Cable Box. Is this possible and what kind of problems might I encounter?

Comment from Admin.
To connect a DVD player to a really old TV set may not be a very good investment to time and effort, as the DVD is capable of much better performance than the set can display. However, if this is the only possible choice, the here goes.

1. Check the connections on the back of the TV set. Does it offer video, L, R inputs. If it does you can connect the DVD player directly with three RCA cables (see CDTV web site in Cables, Conectors and Accessories in Connecting HDTV for information here).
2. If the TV set has only an Antenna input currently occupied by the cable STB output, then you will need an Video/Audio modulator, such as the Dynex WS-007 available from Future Shop. Connect the Video and Audio L/R ouputs of the DVD player to the inoputs of the modulator. Connect the RF output of the cable box to the Ant. Input of the modulator and the RF Output of the modulator to the antenna input of the TV set, formerly occupied by the cable from the cable STB. You will need three RCA cables for the A/V and an RF cable with F connectors. When you switch on the DVD the modulator connects it automatically and when you switch off the DVD, the cable STB connection is restored.

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