10:21 AM
Right now they are working on HD DVD's, the problem is they are huge. It's called Blue Laser and apparently it has 3 to 4 layers where as the DVD players today have 2 layers. High def is typically 1080i where as DVD's are 480p or 480i.
The best way to record is with a Personal Video Recorder (PVR). I have one that claims it holds up to 90 hours of HD although it's more like 1/2 that. These are much better than DVD recroders not just because they record in HD but because they are tied into the programming system.
That's my 2 cents!!
4:18 PM
Can you tell me what kind of PVR you're using and who is your signal provider? I've not seen a HD PVR device in Alberta yet.
Tom Montvila
12:25 PM
That's intersetcing. I have HDTV thru Bell Express Vu. They said I could not use the PVR and HDTV at the same time (they said PVR doesn't show programs in HD. Therefore, I pruchased the HDTV receiver but not the PVR. Does anyone know about this?