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HDTV Coverage > OTA confirmation > Replies - Add Reply     Sort by newest posting on top
wildcat_2222@hotmail.com 09/26/2005
11:58 PM
Hi, I have a question for anyone who's willing to answer it. I'm situated around Finch and Weston in a backsplit house which is, at most, 23 km from the CN tower. I have no direct view of the CN tower, but my house faces south. I was thinking of investing into an ATI HDTV WONDER PCI card capable of receiving OTA HDTV broadcasts. It also comes with an indoor silver sensor antenna. Now my question is, does anybody think I'll receive any channels? If I use my regular rabbit ears antenna, I can receive City TV, CTV, CBC, and Global at reasonable reception (not perfectly clear but probably half way to 3 quarters of the way there). I also read on another forum that if I were to use a Signal amp, i can increase the number of channels I receive and boost the reception. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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