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Closed Captioning > CC for HDTV Programming > Replies - Add Reply     Sort by newest posting on top
cdtv_admin@cdtv.ca 03/28/2006
9:13 PM
liz.thorpe@allianceatlantis.com wrote om 2021/03/27

Closed Captioning I've seen little information about how HD will affect the creation of captions. As a caption provider, I'd like to know what, if any, changes we need to make to ensure that our caption consumers will continue to be able to access and to enjoy the captions we create.

Comment from Admin.

Closed captioning is alive and well in HDTV programming and the EIA-708 standard for CC transmission with HDTV offers more options and features than the EIA-608 standard used for NTSC broadcasting. For compatibility, it is currently necessary to prepare both for a program for general release.

The situation in the USA is summarized in the doc. http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/closedcaption.html

Two good references on the CC system are http://www.evertz.com/products_caption.php and

The CRTC position is summarized in http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/INFO_SHT/b302.htm but the position for interim HDTV licensees is less clear, though generally in accord with this document.

Closed Captioning is just one of the auxiliary services available in HDTV, another being Descriptive audio and others can readily be implemented within the flexible multiplex of DTV delivery.

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