New Study Group for Broadcasting Services
ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, which met in Istanbul Turkey, May 1 to 5, has
approved the merger of Study Group 10
(Sound Broadcasting), and Study Group 11 (TV Broadcasting) into a single group designated as Study
Group 6. This was the designation of the original study group on broadcasting.
Scope of Work for SG-6
the same meeting the following scope of work for Study Group 6 was also
broadcasting (terrestrial and satellite), including vision, sound, multimedia
and data services principally intended for delivery to the general public.
Broadcasting makes use of
point-to-everywhere information delivery to widely
available consumer
receivers. When return channel capacity is required (e.g.
for access control,
interactivity, etc.), broadcasting typically uses an asymmetrical distribution
infrastructure that allows high capacity information delivery to the public
with lower capacity return link to the service provider. The production and
distribution of programs (vision, sound, multimedia, data, etc.) may employ
contribution circuits among studios, information gathering circuits (ENG, SNG,
etc.), primary distribution to delivery nodes, and secondary distribution to
The Study Group,
recognizing that radiocommunication broadcasting extends
from the production of
programs to their delivery to the general public, as detailed above, studies
those aspects related to production and radiocommunication, including the
international exchange of programs as well as the overall quality of service.
scope of the new Study Group has been the subject of intense discussion since
December 1999 when it was first discussed at the extraordinary meeting of the
Study Groups 10 and 11. The main concern had been to avoid any real or
perceived overlap with the scope of work of some study groups in ITU-T. The
finally adopted version is essentially as was proposed by several countries,
including Canada and the USA.
Chair and Vice-Chairs of
A. Magenta (Italy) was selected as the SG-6 chairman. He was formerly the Chair
of SG-10, Broadcasting Sound Service. Prof. M. Krivocheev (Russia) retired
after over 50 years of distinguished service to the ITU-R and more than 20 years as chair of
Larry Olson (United States/FCC) for Sound Broadcasting and Mr. Joseph Flaherty
(NABA/CBS) for Television were appointed to Vice-Chair positions along with:
Glotov (Ukraine), New
Kumada (Japan) New
Kussman (Germany) Former Vice-Chair SG-10
Najm (ASBU), New
M. Paul (India), New
Stepanian, (Iran, Islamic Republic) Former Vice-Chair WP-11A
election of Mr. Flaherty will provide the television side with considerable
strength. In addition representing Region 2, he also will represent as the
Technical Committee Chair of WBU many broadcaster interests around the globe.
Messrs. Kussman and Olson will provide good continuity regarding Sound
Research Centre Canda (CRC)